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Colitis diet for boxers -

21-12-2016 à 08:50:19
Colitis diet for boxers
In Boxers, colitis may arise as a result of any of the following. Other cases of colitis are idiopathic in nature, thus the causes cannot be pinpointed or explained. The straining and prolonged squatting coupled with painful defecation can be mistaken for constipation. Boxers suffering from colitis are also lethargic and may pass small stools. Aside from acute stress, the causes of this vary a bit wildly. The first line of treatment is aimed at correcting the fluid-electrolyte imbalances brought about the diarrhea. Thus there is a need to distinguish it from other diseases that may share common manifestations and determine the ultimate cause of the problem. It can be chronic, acute or chronically episodic. Boxers suffering from severe diarrhea need to undergo several diagnostic tests including a thorough physical examination, complete blood count, fecal examination, and x-rays. The highly variable nature of colitis makes it easy to be confused with other conditions of the digestive tract. Sulfasalazine (a sulfa medication used for treating ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis ) and Corticosteroid medicines may be given. Some do well with some sweet potatoes or standard baking potatoes mixed in. The 2nd most commonly used antibiotics are with Clavomox or Metronidizole. While the dog is experiencing problems, it is often recommended to keep them on a very bland, home cooked diet. There are many types of colitis according to the duration. The dog may also suffer from abdominal pain, flatulence, painful defecation, straining and prolonged squatting.

This can happen with dogs who are moved into a new home and have not adapted well, put into a kennel or other situations which may make a dog feel very nervous. There are several red flags that will be noticed. An example of the proper food to give would be fresh, well cooked white meat chicken cut into bite sized pieces along with cooked soft white rice. A diet of plain chicken, plain rice and potatoes as discussed above are part of the treatment plan for chronic colitis. Chronically episodic means Colitis often come and go. Diarrhea is the most common symptom of colitis. Colitis may also occur after ingesting contaminated food, being in contact with infected dogs or after chronic exposure to a wet environment. An antibiotic medication, Baytril being a common one, may be prescribed by the veterinarian which can help in many cases. The condition has been considered by many as a genetic defect particularly with the plasmacytic-lymphocytic and histiocytic forms. If the Boxer dog has sudden symptoms, this may be a case of stress related colitis. This canine health issue is so common in the Boxer breed, that it is often referred to as Boxer Colitis, even though it can affect other breeds as well. This type of colon issue usually clears up once the dog used to a normal routine. When a dog has this health problem, there are clear symptoms and luckily treatment is available. Chronic colitis is often constant while an acute one can suddenly occur. Oftentimes, the diarrhea may be bloody or contain mucus. Dehydration is often present as a result of the diarrhea. Colitis is classified based on the predominant cell types present in the intestinal lining. It can be classified as eosinophilic, histiocytic, plasmacytic-lymphocytic, and granulomatous. As this progresses, there will be more symptoms.

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Colitis diet for boxers
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